Legal mentions
The website is owned by:
Phone: +33(0)553560155
N° SIRET : 338121353 00027
Code APE : 2571Z
Publication director:
M. Thierry Moysset
Personal data
The website is registred with the CNIL ("Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés") under the reference 1913178.
In accordance with the law n° 78-17 dated January 6th 1978, you have the right to access, rectify or delete information which refers to you on this website. If you wish to rectify or delete some data, please contact us at the following address COUTELLERIE NONTRONNAISE SARL, PLACE PAUL BERT, 24300 NONTRON or on our website.
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Our data are stored and hosted by the society OVH:
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
Website development:
Agence Web / Digitale
Website graphic:
Christian Ghion
Intellectual property- Copying
The Coutellerie Nontronnaise is the owner of all intellectual property rights mentionned in all the documents of this website, and all the elements created for this website are the exclusive property of COUTELLERIE NONTRONNAISE SARL.
Under the French Intellectual Property Code and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provisions on the protection of copyright, you are prohibited from reproducing (other than for your private use), modifying, communicating in full or in part in any form the data (photo, logo, video...).
Any use or reproducing to other end (commercial ends...) is strictly prohibited unless written agreement from COUTELLERIE NONTRONNAISE SARL.
Limitation of liability
To the extend permitted by law, especially in cases of negligence, COUTELLERIE NONTRONNAISE SARL shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind, that it acts, in particular but not exclusively, damage direct, indirect or consecutive, related to the access to the Site or any other site having a bond with the Site, to its use or its remote loading.
This Site makes it possible to you to send e-mail to COUTELLERIE NONTRONNAISE SARL. This e-mail forwards by Internet, a public network on which COUTELLERIE NONTRONNAISE SARL does not have any control, and is of this fact likely to be intercepted, deteriorated or to be lost. COUTELLERIE NONTRONNAISE SARL declines any responsibility in this respect.